






Yuki is a junior high school student. She likes music very much. When she was six years old, she
started to go to Ms. Yamada’s piano lessons. After she entered junior high school, she became busy with her studies and club activities, but she still goes to Ms. Yamada’s piano lessons every Saturday and enjoys playing the piano.

Ms. Yamada is interested in many things and enjoys her life very much. She often says to Yuki, “Playing the piano is a lot of fun. Please enjoy playing the piano. Yuki likes Ms. Yamada very much. After her lesson, Yuki talks about music with Ms. Yamada. It’s (1)her favorite thing.

One day in September, Yuki and her classmates talked about the school festival. Her class (   1   ) to sing two songs at the festival. Yuki was going to play the piano for her classmates. Three weeks before the festival, they started to practice. They practiced hard after school every day. Yuki could play the piano well during practice, so she thought she could do it well at the festival, too.

On the day of the festival, a lot of people came to (   2   ) to their songs. Yuki played the first song without any mistakes. She was glad and soon started to play the second song, but she made a big mistake at the last part. When the festival finished, she said to her classmates again and again, “I’m very sorry.” She was very sad: Her classmates said to her, “Don’t worry, Yuki. You tried your best. Thank you.”

A week later, Yuki went to Ms. Yamada’s piano lesson, but (2)she didn’t want to play the piano. Ms. Yamada said, “You don’t look happy, Yuki. 〔 3語 〕 ”Then Yuki began to tell Ms. Yamada about her mistake at the festival. Ms. Yamada said, “Don’t worry, Yuki. Everyone makes mistakes. Some people think making mistakes is bad, but I don’t think so. Making mistakes is sometimes necessary because we can learn from our mistakes. (    )” Ms. Yamada’s words encouraged Yuki a lot. After that, she enjoyed playing the piano.

<注釈>enter… ~に入学する / become busy with… ~で忙しくなる / encourage… 励ます

問1 本文中の( 1 ) ( 2 )に最もよくあてはまる語を,次の語群からそれぞれ1つずつ選び、必要があれば適当な形に1語で直して, その語を答えよ。

【語群】make decide watch listen

問2 本文中の下線部1について,どのようなことが Yukiの大好きなことなのか。日本語で答えよ。

問3 本文中の下線部2について、Yukiがこのような気持ちになったのはなぜか。その理由として最も適当なものを,次のア~エから1つ選び、その記号を答えよ。
ア 文化祭でピアノを弾いたとき,ミスをしてしまったから。
イ ピアノのレッスンより 文化祭の練習をもっとしたかったから。
ウ 毎日文化祭の練習があり、 とても忙しかったから。
エ ピアノのレッスンを受けたとき, ミスをしてしまったから。

問4 本文中の[    ]には,「どうしたの。」 と相手に問いかける英文が入る。[   ] にあてはまる英文を3語で答えよ。符号も書くこと。ただし, 符号は語数には含めない。

問5 本文中の(   )に入る最も適当な英文を,次のア~エから1つ選び、その記号を答えよ。
ア You’ve played the piano since then.
イ You don’t have to take my lessons.
ウ You’ve had a good experience.
エ You must not make mistakes.

問6 本文の内容に合っているものを,次のア~カから2つ選び、その記号を答えよ。
ア When Yuki became a junior high school student, she started to go to Ms. Yamada’s piano lessons.
イ Yuki and her classmates practiced hard for the school festival for three weeks.
ウ When Yuki started to go to Ms. Yamada’s piano lessons, she enjoyed talking with Ms. Yamada, but she didn’t enjoy playing the piano.
エ Yuki couldn’t play the piano at the school festival because she was busy with her studies and club activities every day.
オ Yuki played the piano very well at the school festival, so her classmates thanked her a lot.
カ Ms. Yamada doesn’t think making mistakes is bad because people can learn from their mistakes.


問1 (1)decided (2)listen
問2 山田先生と音楽について話すこと
問3 ア
問4 (例)What’s the matter? 2語であれば、What’s wrong? / What happened?
問5 ウ
問6 イとカ


