


テスト範囲としては、「tell/ask 人to不定詞」「間接疑問文」「疑問詞to不定詞」「It for to構文」などがメインです。



【一】次の日本文に合う英文になるように、(  )に適する語を書きなさい。
Emi knows (  )(  )(  )next Sunday.

Jun’s teacher (  )(  )(  )(  )math.

Tom asked (  )(  )(  )his mother her.

Do you (  )(  )(  )(  )the guitar?

Could you (  )(  )(  )(  ) to my house?

【二】次の日本文に合うように、(  )内の語句を並べかえて英文を作りなさい。ただし,それぞれ1つずつ足りないものがある。
( is / learn / important / it ) about the world.

( Yumi / it / help / for / natural / was ) others.

( good / to / your eyes / isn’t / watch TV / it ) too much.

( fun / not / go shopping / Mark / was / for / to ) with his mother.

【三】次の日本文に合う英文になるように, に適する語を書きなさい。
We don’t know (  )we are now.

I see (  )Ms. Green means.

Do you know (  )I went to America?

Ken doesn’t know (  )(  )Mr. Suzuki is.

The ticket doesn’t say (  )(  )the game starts.

(1) He always remembers my(  )and gives me a present.
ア month  イ birthday  ウ plane  エ sport

(2) If you(  )any questions, please raise your hand.
ア buy   イ cook   ウ call   エ have

(3) My father likes to go for a trip. (  )example, he went to China last year.
ア For   イ At   ウ From   エ By


(1)what to do
(2)told him to study
(3)when to help
(4)want me to play
(5)tell her to come

(1)It is important to learn about the world.
(2)It was natural for Yumi to help others.
(3)It isn’t good for your eyes to watch TV too much.
(4)It was not fun for Mark to go shopping with his mother.

(4)how old
(5)what time

(1) He always remembers my( イ birthday )and gives me a present.

(2) If you( エ have )any questions, please raise your hand.

(3) My father likes to go for a trip. ( ア For  )example, he went to China last year.


